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Getting started with Notion AI

Getting started with Notion AI


This Tutorial provides a comprehensive introduction to using artificial intelligence in Notion, covering writing improvement, task simplification, text generation, and creative AI applications.

What You'll Learn in this Tutorial:

1. What is artificial intelligence?

Explain what artificial intelligence is and how to access it in Notion.


2. Improve writing with Notion AI:

Explore ways that AI can help improve your writing. Then, put it into practice by editing a blog post with AI.


3. Simplify tasks with Notion AI:

Use AI to extract information from text by summarizing and pulling action items from a meeting transcript.


4. How to write good AI prompts:

Learn how to generate text from scratch using Notion AI, with a focus on writing good prompts and refining output.


5. Augmenting daily work with AI:

Explore creative ways to use AI that are made possible thanks to Notion’s flexible workspace setup.


6. New: Q&A:

Notion Q&A is currently in beta — use it to get answers to questions about content in your workspace.


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