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Simple Financial Dashboard By Ivy Saskia

Simple Financial Dashboard By Ivy Saskia


Price : $


Rating : ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5)  by Users


Manage and optimize your finances with our Simple Financial Dashboard Notion template, offering comprehensive tracking of income, expenses, and financial health for informed decision-making and future planning.

Simple Financial Dashboard:


Template Description:

The "Simple Financial Dashboard" template is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of your finances. It's divided into several sections, each serving a specific purpose in financial management

Key Features:

  • Overview: This section is likely intended to give you a snapshot of your financial status. It could include information such as your total income, total expenses.
  • Income: Here, you can track different sources of income. This could be from salaries, investments, side hustles, or any other sources. Each income source can potentially be added as a separate entry in the "Income" database view.
  • Expenses: This section is for tracking where your money is going. You might categorize expenses by type, such as bills, groceries, entertainment, or savings contributions. Each expense can potentially be added as a separate entry in the "Expenses" database view.

By using this template, you can get a clear picture of your financial health, make informed decisions about your spending, and plan for the future.


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