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Series, Movie & Chill... And Cook! (w/AI) By Ivy Saskia

Series, Movie & Chill... And Cook! (w/AI) By Ivy Saskia


Price : 10$


Rating : ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5)  by Users


Enhance your entertainment with the Series, Movie & Cook Notion template, pairing favorite shows and movies with inspired recipes for a cinematic culinary experience.

Series, Movie & Chill... And Cook! (w/AI):


Template Description:

Combine the magic of the screen with the joy of cooking! This Notion template is designed to enhance your entertainment experience by pairing your favorite series and movies with inspired recipes. Track what you watch, plan your culinary adventures, and explore a rich database of shows, movies, and dishes. Perfect for those who love to cook and binge-watch.

Key Features:

  • Recipes Inspired by Series and Movies
  • Comprehensive Series and Movies Database
  • Manage Your Ingredients
  • Flexible Culinary Calendar
  • Community and Comments Section
  • Integrated Tips and Tricks
  • Use Notion AI in series/movie, recipe and ingredient templates, or write yourself

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