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Notion Template For Mentors By Claudia Aguirre

Notion Template For Mentors By Claudia Aguirre


Price : 5€


Organize mentoring sessions like a pro with Claudia Aguirre's tool, featuring session calendars, Kanban boards, SMART objectives, and mentee databases for streamlined planning and tracking.

Notion Template For Mentors:


Template Description:

Record information about your sessions and create a database of your mentees. This tool includes different views for your weekly planning and templates to organize your objectives, resources, and more.

Key Features:

This template includes:

  • Calendar of sessions.
  • Kanban Board to track the status of sessions.
  • Option to record key resources on the Topics.
  • Special format to develop the sessions + SMART Objectives.
  • Database of your mentees, sessions, and topics.

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