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Price : 55$
Streamline teaching workflows and financial tracking, providing an all-in-one solution for teachers to organize lessons, homework, student information, and class management in a centralized and visually intuitive platform.”
Notion Teacher Planner 2:
Template Description:
Effortlessly organize and manage your teaching workflow and finances in one centralized space with the Teacher Planner 2 template. This comprehensive template is designed to streamline the learning process, eliminating the need for teachers to juggle information across different platforms.
Key Features:
- Integrated Calendar:
- Efficient lesson planning with a built-in calendar providing a visual representation of the teacher's schedule.
- Flexible Lessons System:
- Organize lesson spaces using tables, embed videos, integrate Miro boards, and include Zoom conferences within the lesson structure.
- Students Section:
- Visual representation of student information, contact details, individual assignments, and homework tracking for effective student management.
- Classrooms Management:
- Template for classes and groups to easily manage classrooms, add students, and assign homework for the entire class.
- Notes & Homework:
- Dedicated section for additional materials and assignments, enabling teachers to create new pages or send prepared lessons to one or multiple students.
- Specialized Lessons and Courses:
- Create specialized lessons or entire courses for specific tasks, processes, or students, saving time and effort in future work.
- Financial Tracking System:
- Not just a lesson and homework planner but also a simple financial tracking system for students and classes.
Frequently Asked Questions:
We’re Prodify.
If you have any questions, feel free to email us at [email protected]. We would love to connect with you ❤️
Notion Templates