Notion Student's Index

Notion Student's Index


Price : $


Rating : ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5)  by 49 Users


Boost your note-taking efficiency with this comprehensive Notion template featuring planners, notes index, learner's index, spaced-repetition, and a GCal viewer.

Notion Student's Index:


Template Description:

Are you ready to elevate your note-taking game and enhance your learning experience? Look no further! The Ultimate Notion Student Bundle is here to optimize your note-making with scientifically proven methods.

Key Features:

  1. Planner:
    • Unlock the power of a comprehensive planner to organize your academic and personal life efficiently.
  2. Notes Index:
    • Create a centralized index for all your notes, ensuring quick and easy access to essential information.
  3. Learner's Index (Table/Calendar):
    • Utilize a versatile learner's index, available in both table and calendar formats, to enhance your learning journey.
  4. Spaced-Repetition (Table/Calendar):
    • Leverage the benefits of spaced repetition, a scientifically proven method, through dedicated tables and calendar views.
  5. GCal Viewer:
    • Seamlessly integrate your Google Calendar to get a comprehensive view of your schedule and stay on top of deadlines.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does this work on the free version of Notion?

Yes, once you've made your purchase, a link with be sent to you to duplicate this to your Notion workspace.

Can I duplicate this template to share with my team/friends?

No, this is temple is published under personal license for individual use.

Still have questions?

Send your feedback or queries to [email protected]


We’re Prodify.

If you have any questions, feel free to email us at [email protected].

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