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Lean Startup Experiment Test & Learn Cards By Ivy Saskia

Lean Startup Experiment Test & Learn Cards By Ivy Saskia


Price : 5$


Rating : ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5)  by Users


Lean Startup Experiment Test & Learn Cards provide a structured framework for designing, managing, and iterating experiments with actionable insights, ideal for implementing the Lean Startup methodology.

Lean Startup Experiment Test & Learn Cards:


Template Description:

Lean Startup Experiment Test & Learn Cards provide a structured yet flexible framework for designing and managing your experiments within the Lean Startup methodology.

Key Features:

  • Test Cards: Capture the essence of your experiment, including the central Insight Name (hypothesis), Deadline, Person Responsible, and Duration. Optionally, link related Learning Cards for future reference.
  • Learning Cards: Document the Insight Name (learning gained), Date of Learning, Person Responsible for the observation, and link back to the originating Test Card.

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