Notion Templates for Students | Academia OS Dashboard

Notion Templates for Students | Academia OS Dashboard


Price : 20$


Rating : ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5)  by 2 Users


Optimize your student experience with Academia OS, a comprehensive Notion template tailored for college/university students, offering tools for schedules, courses, trackers, vision boards, libraries, and more, ensuring seamless organization and enhanced productivity

Notion Templates for Students | Academia OS Dashboard:


Template Description:

Academia OS consists of thoughtfully designed Notion templates for students. It is created to be both minimal and highly functional. There are lots of inter-linked databases that will auto-update information and reduce redundancies, so you'll get to work smarter rather than harder. You'll have all the templates you'll need in order to organize your life as a student in high school/college/university so you can focus on what's important to you. The Academia OS is a must-have for anyone who wants to be more organized in school!

Key Features:

  1. Course Organization:
    • Centralize all course-related information in one place, including schedules, assignments, readings, and projects.
  2. Notes and Flashcards:
    • Write and organize notes, create flashcards, and utilize spaced repetition for optimal review scheduling.
  3. Deadline Management:
    • Keep track of all your deadlines to ensure you never miss an assignment or commitment.
  4. Vision Board and Goal Planner:
    • Design your life with a vision board and set academic and personal goals, monitoring progress in the goal planner.
  5. Grade Tracker and GPA Calculator:
    • Track your grades and overall performance with a dedicated grade tracker and GPA & CGPA calculator.
  6. Productivity Tracker:
    • Monitor distractions and enhance productivity over time using the productivity tracker.
  7. Thoughtful Design:
    • Academia OS combines minimalism with high functionality, offering interlinked databases for auto-updated information and reduced redundancies.
  8. Easy Navigation:
    • Effortlessly navigate between pages to access the information you need quickly and efficiently.

What's Included:


▪ Schedule

▪ Courses

▪ Flashcards

▪ Exam prep

▪ Important dates


▪ Grade

▪ GPA & cGPA

▪ Productivity

▪ Student loan


▪ Vision board

▪ Goal planner


▪ Bookshelf

▪ Multimedia


▪ Project

▪ Applications



▪ 30 FREE cover images so you make the workspace your own!

▪ All the still icons in case you accidentally delete them

▪ Resources to further customize your templates

▪ Notion 101 tutorial for beginners

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who is this dashboard for?

This dashboard is specially designed for college/university students. It's easy to use, making it perfect for Notion beginners. At the same time there are advanced features that can be adapted for those who seek further customizations.

Does this work on the free version of Notion?

Yes. Once you've made the purchase, you are free to duplicate the template into your Notion workspace. You don't need to be on Notion's Personal Pro plan to use it.

Is there a refund policy?

No refunds will be given on digital products. If you are unsure that this dashboard is for you, please watch the full walkthrough video or please email me first.

Can I share the files with someone?

This is a personal license for individual use, so no, you may not share or sell Academia Notion OS to others.

Any other feedback/questions?

You can email me or DM me at Instagram @simplifiedstudents


✨ Doodles Notion Covers


We’re Prodify.

If you have any questions, feel free to email us at [email protected].

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